Easy Mobile Phone – A Need of The Aging

easy mobile phoneSmartphones and mobile phones are the part of everyday lives. They help us connect with our loved ones, and play a big part in dealing with problems and emergencies. These days, a large number of people have been looking for a perfect device as per their needs. Some want a big and royal smartphone, while some look for a sleek finish.It’s really hard to define a single device which would work perfectly for each and every user. However, older people want something different from other users. They need a mobile phone which carries a basic and simple design, and offers exact number of functions like other devices. They want a perfect combination of simplicity and usability.

They main features which they would definitely love to have in their mobile phone are:-

  • Size – The first and most important feature which older people would love to have is an appropriate size.An easy mobile phone should fit comfortably, and should have enough space for buttons and display. Too big or too small sizes can really affect the user experience. Therefore, a perfect mobile phone should have an appropriate size for making and receiving calls in best possible way.
  • Display – A right display also helps a lot in catering elder mobile users. It should be larger and brighter than other devices, and should have a clear font to read numbers and texts. These days, a large number of devices are available with different displays, and a perfect option can be easily selected as per user needs and choices.
  • Buttons – Another feature of an efficient mobile phone is its navigation button and keypad. It is an extremely important feature and plays a big part in making and receiving calls. Most users prefer that the buttons of their phone should large enough to be pressed easily with legible numbers and letters. The right size and clear appearance of buttons helps a lot in finding great results.
  • Ringer – In addition to buttons, ringer tone of the phone also helps a lot in reaping great results. Easy mobile phones for elders should have a loud ringtone which can easily heard from far distances. Proper and clear sound from mobile phones can definitely bring out excellent results.
  • Pricing – The next feature of an efficient mobile should its price. Most mobile users want a phone which is affordable, study and durable. They want best results at lowest price point. Therefore, a perfect mobile phone for elders should have a great price point. A perfect combination of functionality and pricing makes up a perfect phone.

A right mobile phone with least complications helps a lot in bringing great results. It not only caters elder users, but also gives numerous features to enjoy in an easy and efficient way. The sturdy finish and simplified interface of a basic mobile phone will definitely bring out great results. Just try your best, and select an efficient phone with all essential features and qualities.

Essential Features Of An Easy To Use Mobile Phone

easy to use mobile phone

In today’s era, smart phones are in great demand. Every individual is having an iPhone or a galaxy device in his hand. But, along with high end devices and world class specs, there is one more thing which needs to be considered by mobile manufacturers. This thing is presence of simple mobile phones. Senior citizens and elderly people need an easy to use mobile phone for their day to day needs. They need something which is good enough to place or receive a mobile call with least efforts.

The main features which should be included in such devices are-

    • Single button press – The first and most important feature which should be included in an easy-to-use smart phone is single button press. Elders with weak eyes face many problems in browsing through contact list. They don’t have too many contacts, but they face many problems while searching any particular contact. Therefore, every simple mobile phone should have a single button option to place or receive a call.
    • SOS button is important – Along with single press calling button, mobile phones for elders should also have an SOS button for emergency calling. During an emergency, elders can panic a lot. In such situation, an SOS button can definitely help a lot. Whether they remember emergency number or not, this button can easily connect with emergency services, and provide adequate solution as per their needs.
    • Clear text – The text of the mobile phone should be big and clear. It should not have any confusing elements or digital menus to trouble the user. If someone is typing a number into that phone, it should be clearly visible without any complication. Big and clear text can help a lot in adding and removing contacts.
    • A simple user interface – The device should carry a simple user interface to provide great results. It should not have confusing features like touch screen or responsive buttons to trouble the user. More simple it would be, better will be the user experience. Every easy to use mobile phone should always offer the feature simplified user interface.
    • Loud ringtone – A simple mobile phone should have a loud ringtone and speaker for attending calls. Without loud noise, elderly people would face great amount trouble in hearing the notification of an incoming call. So, every mobile phone should feature an extremely powerful loudspeaker with high quality sound. Generally mobile phones have good quality sound, but when it comes to an easy to use device for an elder, loudness becomes a necessity.

These were some features of an efficient and durable mobile phone. These days, a large number of people have been using easy-to -use phones. It helps a lot in connecting with loved ones, and communicating with utmost ease and comfort. Originally, easy to use phones were hard to find, but now companies are stepping towards it. It’s just a matter of time when an amazing and simple to use mobile phone will be rolling in the markets.

Mobile Phones: A Measure Of Security To Aging Consumers

Easy mobile Phone

The big button cell phone has every feature that an elderly person wish to have in his/her cell phone. This mobile phone has elegant designs along with various colours. The choices of colours are provided with the consideration of their age. Let’s take a look, what this cell phone has available for the elderly people.

  • The phone is made steadily and it lets in a desktop computer charger that is handy with possible for the seniors to charge the phone.
  • Like other cell phones, this phone also comes with a color display. That implies one can possibly call against a photograph rather than just the name of the individual. This is the finest choice for visually weaken people.
  • One can fix their cell phone to remember all their health and fitness information. In the case one needs to take supplements for blood pressure two times in a day or even acquire an insulin shot, one can possibly fix their cell phone to remember all the things. It will be incredibly a good choice for the elders as it is essential for them.
  • It has acquired the torch functionality for extra-brightness. This is required for most of the elderly people as the majority of the elders hold the dilemma regarding eyesight.
  • On the backside of the cell, there is a SOS button. That allows one to text 5 people at a time in an urgent situation.
  • One of your close relatives wants to get in touch with you and your mobile has switched off. That individual will still be able to contact you if he is one of your SOS contacts. His/her phone call will immediately switch on your cell phone and your mobile will start ringing. One can perhaps switch off this kind of function when one wants to.
  • That cell phone possesses weather reports to updates regarding the weather.
  • One does not want to get disturbed in the nighttime; it is possible to fix the privacy.
  • This big button easy mobile phone has a wonderful capability, which is low weight only 99 grams and just 1. 77 inch.