Voice Activated Mobile Phones

The generation is changing time to time. So is the technology. At first there were telephones, speaking from which was way more that difficult. Then came in our basic land lines, connecting home to home, and then came the era of mobile phones, helping people connect with each other from any where they wanted. To fulfill any remaining expectations of the people the smart phone came to the light of the world. These were the phones which were developed for people with normal physical features and no deficiency. What about the elders who cannot move from places or what about the people who are visually impaired?

Well the world has been introduced to the concept of voice activated technology for various purposes like that of security and safety but now this technology have been combined with the phones to help people facing any kind of obstacle to use phones normally. Let us look at how these voice activated phones can help them?

• Easy to carry:

– These phones are generally made small and light. They can be easily carried, or can be easily fitted at one place with no fear of falling or breaking. This way these phones can have long longevity. Mobile phone for blind people can be extremely easy to be tucked in somewhere safe they can use it from, without any need to see.

• Responds to only your voice:

– Some of these phones are also made with the idea of security kept in mind. These phones can be easily locked with the voice using it and opened with the help of same. These makes great for usage by elders who are too old to move from one place to the other or stay alone most of their time.

• Provides voice activated key pads:

– Most of these phones also offer the feature of voice activated keypads. These helps in activating the keypads and typing without error in case you need to type at all. This is a great feature that helps very old people in using the phone and helps understand them easier. Also for people who are blind phone like this can be a brilliant opportunity to connect with the world.

• Generally provides more battery life:

– Most of these phones come with the feature of great battery life. This way these phone, help the people for more than usual time. The people who use these phones are generally in need of things that mostly last for a long time. The good battery life can prove to be extremely helpful to them.

Now that you people are thorough with the good features these phones provide, then really go ahead and do the good work of spreading the news. Who knows one extremely needful person may come across and thereby get to own one of these wonderful helpful machines created by mankind for the betterment of their race. Moreover if you have a person in your family who needs it then knowing the features must have been profitable for you.

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