Excellent Impaired Vision Mobile Phones

In today’s world, smart phone or basic phone is the need of every individual. It is no longer a luxury, but is a real necessity to survive, and deal with day-to-day problems. Visually impaired individuals need a mobile phone for connecting with their loved ones. They need a device, which they can use to call upon their friends, family and relatives. This is why we have featured some unique impaired vision mobile phones with reasonable rates. Therefore, checkout this list-:

  1. TTfone – Big button mobile with text magnifier

TTfone Venus Big Button Mobile phoneThis mobile is an excellent choice for visually impaired users. It has a big button, which helps in magnifying the text. Its build quality is excellent, and overall performance is better than other mobile phones. It offers a large number of features including large keys, emergency button, speed dials, alarm clock, FM radio, and a phonebook. Therefore, it is a great device for seniors, visually impaired users, and other who want a handy device without much complication.

  1. Snapfon ezTWO Big Button Mobile Phone

This device can also be a great choice for visually impaired users. Particularly designed to simplify the process, the mobile phone includes big buttons, talking keypad, speed dials, dedicated SOS, easy navigation menus, Bluetooth, and hearing aid compatibility. As compared to other devices, it is a great mobile phone with no confusions or digital menus.

  1. Jitterbug mobile phone:

If you want the convenience of mobile phone and do not want complicated features or technology then choose jitterbug. The large screen gives the simple and easy usage. The bright screen and text is easy to read also available with the loud and clear sound so it is easy for elderly to answer the phone. The extra features are available like high quality camera and Bluetooth. This phone is very durable and comes with long lasting batteries so it is the foremost choice for senior.

  1. iBall Aasaan mobile phone:

iBall Aasaan is the elegant and durable phone specially for senior. This phone is designed keep in minds the needs of senior. The great range of senior friendly phone is available with loudspeaker, SOS button is important features for elderly in the emergency and it allows the user to send the message with five pre-set numbers. In addition, the FM radio, Bluetooth, GPRS, camera, large keypad, good quality sound and easy user interface make this phone more attractive to the elderly. The large screen and good sound quality are the most beneficial features for visually impaired users.

Easy Mobile Phone – A Need of The Aging

easy mobile phoneSmartphones and mobile phones are the part of everyday lives. They help us connect with our loved ones, and play a big part in dealing with problems and emergencies. These days, a large number of people have been looking for a perfect device as per their needs. Some want a big and royal smartphone, while some look for a sleek finish.It’s really hard to define a single device which would work perfectly for each and every user. However, older people want something different from other users. They need a mobile phone which carries a basic and simple design, and offers exact number of functions like other devices. They want a perfect combination of simplicity and usability.

They main features which they would definitely love to have in their mobile phone are:-

  • Size – The first and most important feature which older people would love to have is an appropriate size.An easy mobile phone should fit comfortably, and should have enough space for buttons and display. Too big or too small sizes can really affect the user experience. Therefore, a perfect mobile phone should have an appropriate size for making and receiving calls in best possible way.
  • Display – A right display also helps a lot in catering elder mobile users. It should be larger and brighter than other devices, and should have a clear font to read numbers and texts. These days, a large number of devices are available with different displays, and a perfect option can be easily selected as per user needs and choices.
  • Buttons – Another feature of an efficient mobile phone is its navigation button and keypad. It is an extremely important feature and plays a big part in making and receiving calls. Most users prefer that the buttons of their phone should large enough to be pressed easily with legible numbers and letters. The right size and clear appearance of buttons helps a lot in finding great results.
  • Ringer – In addition to buttons, ringer tone of the phone also helps a lot in reaping great results. Easy mobile phones for elders should have a loud ringtone which can easily heard from far distances. Proper and clear sound from mobile phones can definitely bring out excellent results.
  • Pricing – The next feature of an efficient mobile should its price. Most mobile users want a phone which is affordable, study and durable. They want best results at lowest price point. Therefore, a perfect mobile phone for elders should have a great price point. A perfect combination of functionality and pricing makes up a perfect phone.

A right mobile phone with least complications helps a lot in bringing great results. It not only caters elder users, but also gives numerous features to enjoy in an easy and efficient way. The sturdy finish and simplified interface of a basic mobile phone will definitely bring out great results. Just try your best, and select an efficient phone with all essential features and qualities.